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Wonder Egg Priority's Special Is Confusing. A Season 2 Coming?

 After having a very well performance during the winter 2021 season, Wonder Egg Priority concluded it's storyline at the end of June, and it was all over the place.

Wonder Egg Priority Special

With its first season aired at a time when there were a stack load of good reputable anime going on, as an original WEP earned a good name for itself, and for valid reasons. The story was refreshing, the animations were goddamn beautiful, the music was very good and it tackled with issue not many stories in this genre takes on. For its entirety of 12 episodes and 1 special, for the first 8 episodes Wonder Egg Priority was a solid 10/10 until it started going down.

Don't get me wrong, WEP has been confusing to a certain degree since its beginning, but it was a good kind of confusing. It made you want to know what was happening. Since a lot of things were happening, we as viewers tried to make sense out of every little scene they would show us, and slowly the plot was familiar to us. It was a good thing that the show didn't consider it's audience dumb and let us pick up the small details of the show ourselves instead of spoon feeding it to us. However this special and ending is not that. So what did this 44 min special offer us?

Well first of all, half of it consists of the recap for what has already happened in the series. Mind you there was a recap episode in between the series as well, but that had to do with the animators not being able to meet the deadlines. Even though a lot of people didn't like the inclusion of the recap in the special, which honestly I can understand considering you're setting the viewers up for disappointment by cutting half of the special you have hyped for months now, I personally didn't mind it cause lets be real, the story does have a lot to offer in the series and going forward, its good to be briefed. Making it a part of the special however wasn't a very good decison though. And from here, things just get weirder.

Wonder Egg Priority

In the second half of the special we get to see the story continue from where it had left. We see all the people for whom the girls were fighting for come back to life (except for Neiru's sister but we'll come back to it later) However they seem to be a little different from how they were in some small senses before they died. The show talks about parallel worlds and multiverses so I assumed that the brought back people were different because of these theories. The mystery surrounding Sawaki is also cleared but it is very unsatisfactory. After only 7-9 mins of content after recap we have all the answers to the questions the series had put up, but they all seem so forceful it almost makes you want to remain oblivious of them rather getting to know answers such as these.

The purpose of this series seemed less to give the franchise a farewell than to find reasons to bring a second season for it. After all these vague reasons for all the things happened, we get a lazy timeskip where Ai switches schools and apparently Neiru was an AI this whole time? The other girls get nearly no screen time. We don't get to see the conclusion for what Acca and Urra Acca's research. We can assume that it was Frill who was the final straw in the increased suicide rates of young girls, but that's the thing, everything is so damn vague.

 All of the new content of WEP in this special seems like such a fever dream. At the end of the special we are given a hint for the second season where Ai decides to rescue Neiru from whatever parallel world she is in and honestly. I don't know what they tried to set us up for if they give us another season, but I can't care less for it. All I know is that the people who took the decision to head the story towards this direction ruined the story they had crafted so skillfully just for a second season that may or may not come.

Ai Ohto

In conclusion all we can say that it is sad how the series came to an end, for me atleast because even if there is a second season in the future, I don't think I'll be interested in it considering the bad framework for it given to us in the special. As for Wonder Egg Priority, I still believe it is a good show with a lot of good things about it. The ending however is not a part of it. Would still recommend it to other people if they are interested in it but with a advice as to not go looking for a satisfying conclusion.

Bored College Student
