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You Should Watch Odd Taxi

 Odd Taxi, also known as the most popular hidden gem of spring 2021

I didn't really follow the spring season, which was apparently just as good as it's predecessor in terms of good anime. One of those good anime was Odd Taxi. Now that we are on the topic of comparing the two seasons of spring and winter anime. I guess you could say that Odd Taxi was the Wonder Egg Priority of spring 2021. Both of them are originals and emerged out and created a hype for themselves in midst of many popular anime going at the time. There is one key difference though. Odd Taxi has a phenomenally good ending.

While I would love to share the premise of the story to get you invested in the show, I feel like doing so would come at the price of taking some things away from you. This is a show that you should go in completely blind. But for now lets state the obvious. This show is about a taxi driver!

While the above statement is painfully obvious deducting from the title, it is still not necessarily the truth! In the span of 13 episodes, Odd Taxi tells us a bunch of stories about a bunch of people, all of them being equally worth getting invested to. None of them feel too forced and while some of the character's actions may seem extreme you can understand why they are going to such lengths to do what they are doing. While all of these stories in themselves are genuinely interesting, they form a larger picture which is very rewarding in it's own way. Odd Taxi's 12 episodes show us beautiful pieces of art in themselves individually, but when you put all of these pieces together you get a grand picture. 

Odawaka and Kabasawa

All of the characters have their own personality, ambitions, dreams and troubles. All of these traits are shown to us in an extremely well manner which doesn't seem forced or boring. While Odd Taxi has an incredibly interesting storyline, the cast of beautifully written characters act like a cherry on top. There would be instances when an entire episode is dedicated to one single character whom we have never been introduced to before, yet it becomes extremely hard to look away from the episode and not get invested in their story.

The dialogues are very witty in this show, it almost reminded me of Bunny Girl Senpai in that aspect, which makes the normal conversations that take place to move the plot forward very fun. Every little thing done in this show seems so effortless. This anime was made so that you could binge watch it. Heck, you may not even go into it with that intention and you will still end up doing it!

And the ending, Oh my god don't get me started on that. By the last episode I was satisfied as hell. I already had a lot of good things to say about the show and then BAMMM that final minute or so of the last episode hits. It is something that is not very surprising, but I didn't anticipate it at all, which made me like the series even more! Apart from the twist, we are also given a background for our protagonist the taxi driver and it is very heartwarming. The backstory makes so much sense for how he acts the way he does, it is very impressive.

Because this is a spoiler free review I can't go too much into it, but the attention to detail in this show is absolutely crazy. Mother's Basement did an analysis for the OP of the show and it was absolutely eye opening. Almost every shot for the OP symbolizes something and gives us an overview for the characters. I don't know if everything he says in that video was what the creators wanted to show, but I really enjoyed it so I'm gonna attach the video (it contains spoilers)

For the conclusion of this review, all I can say is go watch the show. It is only 13 episodes. Odd Taxi offers such an exhilarating ride (pun intended) you won't regret seeing this beautifully crafted story. 

Bored College Student
